Introduction to Clerking at a Rabbit Show

A clerk at a show is a volunteer who assists the judge during the judging. In the image, it is the person in the background with the pencil and yellow sheets of paper. In an ARBA sanctioned rabbit show, it is essential that records are kept of all rabbits entered, and of the results of […]

Fun Facts to Know and Share About Rabbit DQs (I)

  This article is in 2 parts because it’s kind of long. The colour DQ section is in Part II. I have included quite a few pictures. Very often when a competitor is disqualified from something like a sports competition, it is seen as something to be ashamed of. Not so in rabbit shows! At […]

My Rabbit Medical Kit

Written by Hope Barakat *Disclaimer: The specific dosages are ones the author has used with success. Your results may vary. When in doubt, consult your veterinarian. I see this question asked often online. What do you keep on hand for your rabbits’ medical needs? It’s a great question, because when there is an emergency, the […]

It’s Renewal Time!

Time to renew your memberships, or, if you don’t already have one, consider joining! Membership in SARBA is for one year, from Jan.1 to Dec.31. Memberships not renewed by Mar. 31 will be dropped from the membership list. Membership Fees are as follows: ADULT: $20.00               YOUTH: $15.00             FAMILY: $30.00 Please add $2.00 for each NON-ARBA […]

Important Announcement from Our President

We held an emergency meeting Friday, August 21, 2022 and have decided to officially postpone both our September Commercial Show, and our October ARBA sanctioned show. It seemed prudent, that even if this ISNT RHD, to wait and have more information. If it isn’t RHD, it’s still something and we would not like to risk […]

Save the Date!! (Fall Show Plans)

Well, we have all had time to take a deep breathe after our successful show last weekend. Time to plan another one! SARBA is tentatively planning our HARVEST SHOW for September 9-10 (or 9-11?)   And we have some *FUN* *NEW* *EXCITING* events and also fundraisers!   Stay tuned for more information for the following: […]

What to Expect at a Rabbit Show

By Katrin Becker Some people are surprised when they hear that there are shows for rabbits. Whole books could be written about just rabbit shows. This article offers a very brief introduction. First, a bit of background. Almost every kind of domestic animal has: distinct, recognized breeds. a representative association that maintains a written description […]

What does it mean to be Pedigreed?

Written by Katrin Becker Purebred? Pedigreed? Registered? What’s the difference and why does it matter? These terms are all interrelated and the exact definitions will depend on what kind of animal we are talking about.   Registered Let’s start with registered. An animal can only be claimed to be registered when its information has been […]